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Moravské kovárny, a.s.
Hot Die Forgings
Moravské kovárny, a.s. Jihlava is a joint-stock company with a long tradition. The majority shareholder is a family-owned enterprise, PENN GmbH., based in Krems an der Donau, Austria, which owns about 100% of the shares. PENN GmbH. specializes in metal cutting of forgings.
About 95% of the production is made for export, mainly to EU countries. We manufacture hot die forgings from steel for the automotive industry. A large part of the products are intended for machine-building industry, namely for the manufacture of construction and agricultural machinery.
Our long-term, capital-oriented strategic program assures achieving the required quality of the parts, increasing work productivity and improving environmental protection. We make investments in new technologies continuously.
To achieve the quality level demanded by our customers and with an emphasis on environmental protection, an integrated management system fulfilling the requirements of the applicable IATF 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards is implemented in the company.
A full-fledged part of this system is also occupational safety and health safety (OSH) and fire protection (FP).
Planning and production management are conducted with the aid of advanced computer technology.
Our aim is to become one of the best European forges.
Tour and production process

Moravské kovárny a.s. are recipients of subsidy No. CZ.1.01/1.1.04/60.00154 in the Human Resources and Employment Operational Program / EDUCA Global Grant for the project entitled "Development of key specific and additional general competencies of employees of the company Moravské kovárny, a.s."
EDUCA project
EDUCA implementation progress
Invitation to the Final Project Conference
HR Club of the Vysočina region, o.s., of which Moravské kovárny, a.s. member, implements the project "Development of key competences of employees of member companies of the KPKV association" for employees of participating companies, reg. number: CZ.1.04/1.1.06/52.00045 in the Operational Program Human Resources and Employment.
KPKV project
Implementation of the KPKV project
Report on the implementation of the KPKV 2013 project
Final report of the KPKV project
Publishing the data in accordance with Act 90/2012 Coll.
Notification of the main shareholder on the exercise of the right to call II.
Published 10. 02. 2021
Notification of the main shareholder on the exercise of the right to call
Published 08. 01. 2021
Instructions for the payment of consideration in connection with the transfer of the ownership right to the shares to the main shareholder
Published 08. 12. 2021
Information on the decision of the general meeting of 3 November 2020, notary record, expert opinion - determination of the amount of reasonable consideration in money
Published 09. 11. 2020
Shareholder protest and board of directors' opinion on shareholder protest
Published 27. 10. 2020
Invitation to the regular general meeting of the company
Published 12. 10. 2020
Financial statements, report of the board of directors - 2019
Published 14. 05. 2020
Moravské kovárny, a.s. is an international supplier for the automotive industry.
Moravské kovárny, a.s.
Hruškové Dvory 44, CZ - 586 01 Jihlava